Christmas time

Christmas is almost here again! And I have a long list of all I want: several big bags of yummy apple-flavored horse treats by Manna Pro (Ziggy is partial to peppermint), a new fly mask and fly sheet for the summer (there’s one by Kensington which looks really snazzy), a nice padded break-away leather halter (Ziggy wants one of those, too), two Jolly balls (one for me and one for Ziggy), and a Jolly Tug (so that Ziggy and I can play tug-o-war together)

I know I may sound a little materialistic asking for all that stuff, but I haven’t forgotten what Christmas season means. Remember, we were there when the Christ child was born: the sheep, the cattle, Mary’s donkey. . . Our bodies provided the heat that warmed the stable, and the manger, where He was laid, was filled with sweet-smelling hay that reminded one of Harvest Time. Although some people are horrified at the notion that the Christ child was born in a stable, but it was probably the best place for him to be, away from cramped rooms filled with smelly travelers. The stable was a safe and peaceful place for Him to be. And we animals all knew who He was, even though most humans did not. We knew that He was special, for we could see the light that came from Him, the light that would, one day, fill the world.

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