The Goat Pen … Again!

Ha! I did it again! Walked into the goat pen to take a look around, just to make sure those silly little goats didn’t leave any good eats behind. This time, though, Lady Mistress was there (she’s my Mistress’s Dam. I call her Lady Mistress out of respect). She scolded me for getting into the goat pen, of course. “Squeaky, what are you doing in there?” she exclaimed. I ignored her and checked the feeders: nothing there. Checked the hay bin: nothing there, either. Then calmly, walked out, while Lady Mistress held the flap up for me. “You’re a silly horse,” I heard her say as I slowly walked away. “I’m NOT silly,” I thought to myself, “just inquisitive.”


The Goat Pen … Again! — 1 Comment