Check these out

Hello, followers. Just wanted to tell you about two new blogs Ziggy and I just hooked up to: It’s A Goat’s Life, a blog written by my little goat friend Nikki Manyspots. He’s a nice little Spanish/Boer mix goat who likes to climb trees; and The Gentleman Cat, a blog written by Chewbakka Swiftpaws, one of the resident cats. Chewbakka is quite the intellectual, and often waxes philosophical about life in general. Thought I’d mention these two little blogs to you, just in case you’re interested.

Nothing much has been going on on the ranch lately. I’m still waiting for the Spring grass to come up, but we had a pretty chilly night last night, so I guess the warm weather isn’t just around the corner. The azaleas are in full bloom, however, and really look pretty. Some of the trees have started to put out new leaves, but the pecans are still bare. Ziggy says that the pecans will be the last ones to put out leaves and that’s when you know warm weather is here to stay. Ziggy knows a lot about that stuff. She’s the one who told me NEVER to eat azaleas because they are poisonous. Now why would I eat a bush when there’s plenty of grass to eat?



The Goat Pen … Again!

Ha! I did it again! Walked into the goat pen to take a look around, just to make sure those silly little goats didn’t leave any good eats behind. This time, though, Lady Mistress was there (she’s my Mistress’s Dam. I call her Lady Mistress out of respect). She scolded me for getting into the goat pen, of course. “Squeaky, what are you doing in there?” she exclaimed. I ignored her and checked the feeders: nothing there. Checked the hay bin: nothing there, either. Then calmly, walked out, while Lady Mistress held the flap up for me. “You’re a silly horse,” I heard her say as I slowly walked away. “I’m NOT silly,” I thought to myself, “just inquisitive.”


Yesterday my curiosity got me into trouble. All I wanted to do was to see what was inside the building my mistress built for the goats. It is basically a tubular frame placed over metal panels and the whole covered by a big tarp to keep the rain out. There is a low, narrow door at the entrance which I stuck my head through. There wasn’t much to see except for… feeders at the far end. Could there be food in them? I just had to check them out. So I pushed my way through the narrow door and found myself inside the building. I checked the feeders: no food. Not much else, either. I turned around to leave but now that door seemed so small. I poked my head out side and was about to push myself through the opening when a gust of wind came up and blew the front flap down, hitting me in the face. I immediately backed away from the door. Now, I was trapped.

I turned around and around inside the pen, but there was no other way out. “Help! Help! I’m trapped! I’m scared! ” I cried, but there was no one there to help me. Daylight waned and darkness came. Then I heard her, my mistress. She was coming to feed us all. I heard her whistling; I heard Ziggy come running up from the pasture; I heard the goats  walking back and forth in front of the pen, waiting to be let in. Again and again I heard my mistress calling my name, but I was too scared to answer. Finally, I mustered enough courage to call out: “In here! In here!”

The front flap was lifted and my mistress, flashlight in hand, peered inside. “Squeaky?” she said. “What are you doing in here?” She came over to me and patted my neck. “Come on, let’s go.” But I was too scared to go through the narrow door. So she dismantled one side of the building so I could get out. The goats were put up, Ziggy and I were feed, and I got an extra ration. That’s my mistress.