Floating Teeth

Remember the other day when I told you that my mistress said my teeth needed to be “floated”? Well, I asked Ziggy. She looked at me like I was some country bumpkin and she said: “Floating your teeth means that the dentist will file down the sharp points off your molars so they no longer pinch the insides of your cheeks. The tooth surface then becomes smooth so you can properly chew and swallow your feed instead of spilling it all over the ground. The type of file used for this is called a “float,” which is where this procedure gets its name.” Then she added: “You will not like it because he will put this metal contraption in your mouth to keep it open while he works on your teeth. But you will feel so much better after he’s done.” I looked at her, vaguely remembering going through that a couple of years ago. I remember getting a shot; then getting really, really sleepy; then something being shoved into my mouth. Don’t remember much after that. Anyway, looks like I’m going to go through that again. Just hope I sleep through it like last time.

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